The development of science allows us to look at many problems from a different perspective, which we previously explained quite primitively. Probably everyone in childhood has heard remarks that he/she is not educated, cannot sit quietly for 5 minutes, has no patience, is inattentive. And now we can confidently say, based on medical research, that in many cases it was not behavioral factors, but attention deficit syndrome. And the attitude towards children should be completely different.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a pathology characterized by behavioral and neurological disorders. The disease is more common among men. It most often develops in preschool age. The peculiarity of the pathology is that its symptoms can appear only periodically. The disease requires a treatment program drawn up by a neurologist.
Let's talk in more detail about what this disorder is, how it is treated and what is the role of microdosing of red amanita mushroom .
Features and development of ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a complex of symptoms, each of which relates to the state and functioning of the nervous system. The development of the disease is preceded by a violation of brain activity, which causes:
- Difficulty concentrating.
- Emotional instability with a predominance of irritability.
- Indiscipline.
- Restlessness.
- Tendency to conflict situations.
With ADHD, children learn the school program poorly, lag behind their peers in development, have low self-esteem, and suffer from various types of addiction. Such a disorder adversely affects communication, causes difficulties in building relationships. Also, attention deficit syndrome can be a condition for the development of more serious mental pathologies. Among them is bipolar disorder, depression.
Features of ADHD:
- The first signs appear in children younger than 8 years.
- Symptoms are observed for six months.
- The child shows signs of hyperactivity not only at school, but also at home.
- Symptoms of the disorder cause maladjustment.
- Symptoms are not accompanied by clinical manifestations of other mental disorders (for example, schizophrenia).
If the disorder occurred in a child, she needs to be treated by a pediatrician, with the professional assistance of a teacher, psychologist. Parents' participation is mandatory.
Specification. ADHD is easily confused with behavioral disorders or temperament type. Therefore, the diagnosis must be established by a specialist.
Modern understanding of the problem from the point of view of WHO
In modern medicine, ADHD is considered a pathology of the nervous system. According to the nomenclature of mental disorders, the presence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be established in children over 12 years old. At the same time, it is necessary to analyze the symptoms that manifest themselves not only at home, but also at an educational institution.
In the classification of diseases, the syndrome of attention deficit and hyperactivity has the designation - "Disorder of activity and attention". In the process of determining the diagnosis, the general criteria of hyperkinetic rather than behavioral disorder are revealed.
According to WHO, ADHD is characterized by a triad of symptoms – inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity.
A patient with signs of ADHD needs careful differential diagnosis. Diseases with which specialists conduct a parallel first of all:
- Autistic spectrum disorder.
- Anxiety disorder.
- Cerebrasthenic syndrome.
It is also taken into account that the clinical manifestations of ADHD can be similar to the signs of pharmaceutical intoxication of the body, asthenic syndrome. In turn, excessive motor activity is a feature of temperament.
Specification. The syndrome is a problem that cannot be ignored, it negatively affects the quality of life.
Reasons for the development of ADHD
The exact causes of the development of this disorder have not been established to date. But experts associate the appearance of ADHD with a disorder of brain activity.
The basis of the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the insufficient content of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the blood. The development of hormonal imbalance can be preceded by experienced stress, intoxication of the body, oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) and other factors that prevent the central nervous system from functioning fully.
Specialists also associate the development of ADHD with a violation of the child's intrauterine development. This happens in cases when a pregnant woman:
- Eats little and unbalanced.
- Is in stressful circumstances.
- Overcooling.
- Takes medicines.
- He is sick with infectious and viral pathologies.
- Excessively overloads oneself physically, psychologically, mentally.
- Suffers chronic intoxication (due to adverse environmental conditions, bad habits).
Also, birth complications (entanglement of the umbilical cord, incorrect presentation), which lead to impaired cerebral circulation, contribute to the development of ADHD.
The risk of attention deficit disorder increases if the child suffers from infectious and inflammatory diseases in the first years of life.
Specification. There are many factors that can cause the development of the syndrome. That is why diagnosis and treatment of children is a non-trivial task for specialists.
ADHD in adulthood
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is less common in adults than in children. This is due to changes in the human body after the period of puberty. Most often, ADHD in adults is transformed from childhood pathology. This emphasizes the importance of timely treatment of such a condition. The cause of the disorder is disorders in the nervous system that occur at the stage of intrauterine development of the fetus.
Signs of ADHD in adulthood:
- Absentmindedness
- Tendency to conflict situations.
- Impolite behavior.
- Difficulty controlling emotions.
- Propensity to make spontaneous decisions.
- Lack of goals and long-term plans.
- Excessive talkativeness.
- Restlessness.
- Sudden mood swings, attacks of aggression.
In the case of ADHD, adults have memory problems, lack of interests and passions, characteristic indiscipline (the person does not complete the started tasks).
The presence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adulthood adversely affects various spheres of life: from professional to intimate.
In medicine, ADHD is mostly treated with nootropic drugs. At the same time, the patient undergoes psychotherapeutic programs.
Specification. The syndrome manifests itself not only in children, so it is worth paying attention to the manifestations and symptoms at any age. Therapy provides an opportunity to improve the quality of life.
Classical treatment of ADHD and the role of red amanita
It should be noted that many specialists do not distinguish attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as a separate disorder or disease, some generally attribute it to behavioral skills. Therefore, depending on the approach, the treatment can be radically different.
The classic approach is the use of amphetamine-type drugs to block certain receptors and behavioral therapy. Undoubtedly, the approach has the right to be used. But anyone understands that the use of antipsychotics causes, among other things, harm to the body.
That is why many specialists are looking for alternative ways to correct the syndrome. And here the red fly agaric comes to the rescue.
Microdosing of red fly agaric solves several problems at once:
- Muscimol reduces excessive brain activity.
- Restores the myelin sheath.
- At the physical level, it restores the defects of the nervous system - splices damaged connections between neurons in the brain.
- Restores and improves signal quality between neurons.
- Redirects signals in other ways, creating new neural connections.
Often red fly agaric is used in combination with sea buckthorn to treat the problem of ADHD.
In fact, red fly agaric removes the so-called "white noise" by reducing the electrical activity of the brain, which makes it possible to eliminate hyperactivity. Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder note the following effects of microdosing:
- Increased concentration.
- Improving attention.
- The appearance of composure.
- Acceptance of responsibility.
An important condition is goal setting. When a person clearly understands the goal and knows what result he wants to achieve, microdosing is almost guaranteed to bring results.
Specification. As experts note, with ADHD, you can add magnesium to microdosing. This is due to energy-consuming processes in the brain that require this mineral.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a serious problem that impairs the quality of life and exhausts the nervous system. ADHD is characteristic of children, but it can also bother adults. The best solution to the problem will be a comprehensive approach to therapy - psychotherapy, correction of the diet, microdosing.
You can buy red fly agaric in our online store in any form convenient for you -