Microdosing and goal setting

There are a huge number of effects from the use of red fly agaric. There are even more myths and incorrect interpretations of the influence of the mushroom. All this leads to the fact that a person sets a high threshold of expectations and is disappointed when he does not achieve these effects. To avoid this, a special approach to microdosing is needed.

Awareness and goal setting

The two most important factors on which the effect of microdosing depends are awareness and goal setting. Mindfulness means focusing on your sensations, tracking them and analyzing them in the present moment. Goal setting is a more complex tool, long-term and requires an extremely serious attitude. It is important to understand that microdosing for the sake of microdosing is a waste of time. As psychologists note, pleasure for pleasure's sake is inherently destructive. Therefore, let's talk in more detail about goal setting, as well as how to build it.

Goal setting involves the following stages:

  • Setting a clear, measurable goal.
  • Staying focused on that goal (among many other life goals).
  • Finding the optimal way to achieve the goal.

As you go through these stages, you should ask yourself:

  • Why am I going to start taking red fly agaric?
  • What goals do I want to achieve?
  • How will I track and record them?
  • How and when will I analyze the results (interim and final)?

This approach makes it possible to set a goal, perform the necessary actions to achieve it, evaluate the results, correct the goals or methods of achieving it. It is equally important that you can get an assessment from the outside - a view from the side. It can be a friend, relative, teacher, mentor, specialist (doctor, psychologist).

The purpose of microdosing can lie in 3 planes:

  • Physical Here, the interest is health improvement, disease prevention, normalization of somatic health. To do this, it is enough to follow the microdosing instructions and monitor changes in the body's condition.
  • Psychological (social). Categories such as self-acceptance, changing attitudes towards oneself and others are of interest here. For this, it is necessary to work with goal setting.
  • Spiritual Here, the interest lies in going beyond the boundaries of one's own consciousness, working with spiritual practices. For this, it is necessary, in addition to microdosing and goal setting, to put into practice meditative techniques, breathing practices, etc. The spiritual plane actually lies beyond microdosing, it is only one of the tools.

What goals can be set with microdosing?

On the physical level:

  • Improving sleep.
  • Improvement of digestion.
  • Energy boost.
  • Relaxation.
  • Improvement of attention, concentration.
  • Increased stress resistance.

At the psychological level:

  • Reduction of aggressiveness.
  • Improving mood.
  • Reducing shyness.
  • Establishing relationships with relatives and friends.

On a spiritual level:

  • Accept your peculiarities.
  • Discover hidden possibilities and talents.
  • Personal growth.
  • Stimulation of creativity.
  • The search for inner harmony.

Goal setting can be realized in two directions - goal consumption, when the set goals are aimed at obtaining certain effects for oneself, and goal creation, when the goals are aimed at creating something for others.

Recommendations for beginner microdosers

In order to achieve the maximum effect from targeted microdosing, we recommend that you refrain from drinking alcohol and use amanita according to a clear scheme that suits you (only in the morning, in the morning and in the evening, every other day, on an empty stomach, etc.).

A good practice would be to keep a diary of goals. Record changes in your condition and rate them. If it is difficult for you to keep it every day, you can make records once a week retrospectively.

With this approach, you will be surprised by the results of microdosing. It provides a prolonged effect, your condition becomes stable even during breaks between courses.

You can start practicing microdosing right now. You can buy a red fly agaric in our online store "Muhomornya". You can familiarize yourself with the assortment here - https://muhomornya.com/

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